Soccer is more than a game
Soccer is enjoyed by millions of fans hungry for spectacle and participation. Sports games teach you a lot. Soccer Academy in Los Angeles is not just a school where you kick a ball around. Education and training are built especially in a successful combination of theory and practice.
The main task of our Academy is the physical development of children.
Preparing the athlete for semi or professional sports activities.
Creation of optimal conditions for the development of children's creative and sporting potential.
Advantages of cooperating with the academy
● Athletes brought up in top-notch skill classes have the following feedback about their training.
● A child learns self-discipline. This skill comes in handy for him to adapt to the realities of life more easily.
● Since childhood, the baby gets stronger physically. He perfectly resists viruses, strengthens immunity, entering life as a healthy person.
● Soccer educates him in the strength of spirit, moral values, form the inner core.
● In the study of tactics athletes on the field, coaches motivate children to develop their logical thinking. In the future, it will help him to cope with life's important strategic tasks.
Training at the Academy is designed not only for amateur beginners but also suitable as additional training. Experts recommend giving children from the age of 4-5.
How the academy works
The academy stocked up on quality equipment, sports equipment, and made the most comfortable opportunities for training. How everything works here is a question that worries parents in the first place.
Training for children
Coaches teach them to think not just about the correctness of the application of tactics. It is the quality of play that counts as the ultimate result, and more so than
the outcome of the match. Each practice is a full-fledged encounter with the ball, competent handling of the ball on the field, communication with teammates.
A child learns to communicate, control himself, clearly set goals and go to them. In addition, he should be able to be creative, which is also taught by coaches.
What are the goals of a good academy?
● Preparing the athlete for semi-or-professional sports activities.
● Creation of optimal conditions for the development of children's creative and sporting potential.
The Los Angeles Soccer Academy provides lectures by professional athletes. Qualified masters with licenses help you learn the theory because it is the base of good further work. Assimilated theory combined with practice gives a great result. In lecture classes, teachers break down the details of meetings, mistakes so that young athletes
on their career path avoid them.
Focusing on these goals, it is convenient to use the services of our educational institution.
A trial training session is held on any training day.